"So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy"
~Colossians 1:10-11

Thursday, August 5, 2010

thoughts for today

"I am more convinced then ever that even in the midst of the mundane, burdensome and oftentimes frustrating tasks of life allotted to me as a mother, God wants me to find His joy. He want every single day of my life to be a celebration of his blessings, whether large or small. He want me to celebrate life - the life he has given me...... the joy-filled life is not found by diminishing my God-given responsibilities as a women, wife and mother, nor can I find joy merely by refusing to face the hard realities of life in a fallen world. There is a tension between ideals and realities. True joy is found by living somewhere between the ideal life and daily realities. That is where Jesus meets me, where his Holy Spirit empowers and where I learn how to live the Christian life with supernatural joy. To celebrate life is simply a choice. Every day, God extends his hand to offer me the gift of another day to live. I have the choice to take that gift and turn it into 24 hours of real life in Christ, or just let it become another 24 hours endured in a broken world. If I choose to accept it-to transform those minutes and hours into life lived for and with my Savior- I have the opportunity to see God at work, enjoy his presence, wonder at his creation, appreciate the expressions of beauty and love and touch the minds and hearts of my children with his reality. That's certainly what I desire, but it is a choice I have to make daily"

Are you making the choice of JOY today?

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