Time is short and forever is eternal.
It constantly reminds me that we need to spend the time we have left on earth accomplishing things for the Lord Jesus. We are here for a purpose. It also is a constant reminder to me that I don't know how long I'll have with any of my kids. Let us remember that relationships we build here with our kids will last forever as we spend it in eternity together. When you're tempted to be upset about temporal irritations, remember, the heart of your child is so much more important and we need to invest our time in building little lives that will honor and serve their Savior.
Savor the Season
~Marilyn Boyer
This paragraph stood out to me in THIS blog post from the Boyer's blog. I am constantly encouraged by the Boyer's reminders from parents who are further along the road of parenting then I am.
You will also be encouraged by THIS article with the reminder of keeping an eternal perspective as a mama and housewife.