"So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy"
~Colossians 1:10-11

Friday, January 29, 2010


A couple weeks ago I made a list of 2 weeks worth of dinners to work off of. Here's my list and then below it is what we actually ate :-) I ended up having to change a couple meals around due to unexpected company staying with us, but for the most part I did pretty good. I am going to look over both lists and then compile the next couple weeks menus. I am hoping to get to a point where I have a good 2 week menu and then try rotating thru that menu on a regular basis.

Week 1
Monday - Hamburgers w/ green salad
Tuesday - Enchiladas w/ green salad
Wednesday - Chicken Fajitas
Thursday - Soup w/ bread
Friday - Salmon w/ buttery carrots
Saturday - Pasta Florentine w/ veggies

Week 2
Monday - Beef Stroganoff w/ bread
Tuesday - Chicken, broccoli and rice w/ green salad
Wednesday - Tacos
Friday - Salmon w/ Garlic spinach
Saturday - Pasta Florentine w/ veggies

Note - yes, I left Sunday off intentionally because Sundays tended to either be easy meals or leftovers - I don't typically do a big meal. And we usually do leftovers at least once a week, if not twice so I left room in there to push meals around and use up leftovers.

Several meals are slightly vague - like Pasta Florentine - depending on the week, my mood and the sales this might be Ham Florentine, Chicken Florentine or Salmon Florentine and the veggies may be what was on sale or just what I have stockpiled in the freezer.

The same is with the soup - this might be a simple classic standby I make or maybe I will try and new recipe I found.

Tuesdays tend to be my out and about days - so those days I either plan a meal I can make ahead on Monday and pop in the oven when we get home or one I can put in the crockpot in the morning.

Almost all my meals are the type that can be almost completely prepped ahead of time and just combined/cooked/completed just before dinner or is crockpot-able. I find, especially when pregnant, but even some when not :-) that my energy and motivation is much better in the morning and if I can complete the majority of my mess and work before naptime it makes for a much better evening!

Here's what we ACTUALLY ate the last couple weeks!

Week 1
Sunday - White chicken chili w/ bread and green salad
Monday - Enchiladas w/ leftover green salad and bread
Tuesday - Beef Stroganoff w/ garlic bread
Wednesday - leftovers
Thursday - leftovers
Saturday - Beef and Bean Burritos w/ guacamole, sour cream, etc on the side

Week 2
Sunday - leftovers
Monday - Salmon w/ buttery carrots
Tuesday - Chicken, broccoli and rice in the crockpot
Wednesday - Chicken fajitas
Thursday - Beef Stew w/ bread
Friday - Salmon w/ fingerling potatoes and garlic spinach
Saturday - pizza

I tried to link the meals above to the site or recipe I used, if there is no link, it's my recipe and I will try and post it soon!

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