"Put on then,
.... this isn't gonna happen by itself..... it is a choice I make... each day ... every moment throughout the day.... I will do this.....
as God's chosen ones,
.... this is WHY I can and do this..... God has chosen me for this task..... He and only HE can give the power and strength to do this.....
holy and beloved,
..... doesn't it warm your heart and give you such encouragement to keep on keeping on ..... to "put on" another day when we are called holy and beloved ........ we are loved by God......
compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,
.... oh, it's not easy, especially when they people you deal with most... most often.... every day..... all day..... are preschoolers........ who have such a knack for stretching your compassion...... requiring kindness often........ exercising your humility and meekness........ and don't even start on the patience!
bearing with one another
..... to come along aside and encourage...... am I being faithful to do this to those around me...... who can I encourage today?
and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.
..... this isn't an option, it is a command...... we have been forgiven so much......... how can we not forgive those around us......
And above all these put on love,
..... if we could just love perfectly......... everything else would be so easy..... oh it's easy to say "i love you".... but do you show it..... in your thoughts...... in your expressions....... in your words..... in your actions...... do the people closest to you feel loved by you.........
which binds everything together in perfect harmony."
..... perfect harmony........ it all works together....... as we ACT, in God's power...... because of His love.... displaying compassion, kindness, patience, whatever is needed at the moment...... we can encourage, build up and tear down..... and when keep in mind all you have been forgiven..... it's possible to forgive completely...... and IF NOTHING ELSE just love them...... love them when they aren't lovable ..... when they are unforgiving ..... when they are not kind.... impatient ..... rude ...... just love...... because in love you can find that perfect harmony....... regardless of the "tone of the music" around you ...... it will be perfect harmony as the Lord works in you.... through you..... taking another step into Christ-like-ness.........
Colossians 3:12-14 esv, with my thoughts added
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