"So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy"
~Colossians 1:10-11

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sauce recipes

Before I realized what this week's "Super Food" focus was going to be I did a post last weekend on making my own Cream of Mushroom soup. And a couple weeks ago I did my version of "Classico" Pasta Sauce.
So, since I didn't get my homemade version of Campbell's Italian Wedding Soup made today (Cause I didn't have the right pasta in the house and it's snowing and I'm not going out!)
- these will have to suffice for now!

And just a note - as I made the boys afternoon snack yesterday I thought of another nice "Un-Processed Foods" idea - Homemade Popcorn instead of that processed AND microwaved stuff! I actually stopped buying the microwave popcorn awhile ago and got some nice organic corn to pop. My husband had a stovetop popper (that he has had since I have known him and we never really used cause the microwave was "easier" and I was ignorant of other facts!) - the boys and I often get it out and pop a bowl of it for snack - drizzled with real butter and salt it's oh, so yummy and a nice healthy snack. Would have taken a picture for you, but I didn't have the camera home, but you know what popcorn looks like!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great to make the transition to "real food"? But the dishes are always worse. ;)

    How embarrassing that it took over a week to visit your post! I really appreciate you linking up to the Un-Processed foods Carnival; it will be a valuable resource that I will direct my readers to often!
    Thanks, Katie
