"So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy"
~Colossians 1:10-11

Monday, September 27, 2010

Breakfast Menus

Breakfast menus

I don't usually schedule breakfasts, but I do have a handful I rotate through and try not to have the same thing every morning :-) Unless of course, my husband is around and he would be thrilled if I just made bacon with eggs and potatoes every morning!

Here's a list of breakfasts you might find around here:

Eggs and potatoes
Yogurt Muslei
Granola (either on yogurt or with milk)
Biscuits and Gravy (we all love this, but it's not the healthiest meal we do, it's usually a weekend treat!)
French Toast
Waffles (although my pancake recipe above works good for waffles too!)

For the couple meals listed above that don't really need a recipe :-) Here's what I usually do.

Eggs and potatoes

Cook potatoes the night before, if you're smart and remember in the same oven you heat up for your dinner :-) Cool and refrigerate.
In the morning, dice the potatoes. Brown in a skillet with a little butter and olive oil. Once warmed through and browned to your liking, add in eggs (already broke and mixed well!).
Cook and serve with toast.
This is also very easy to add other veggies too - spinach, tomatoes, onions, cauliflower are favorites around here. I usually add when the potatoes are done before the eggs, except for onions, those go in with the potatoes!

If you have never tried eggs and cauliflower together - you have got to try it! They make a wonderful combination and not one I am sure I would have put together except for my husband telling me to try it.

French Toast

Beat well 3-6 eggs (depending on how much you are making)
Add in a little milk, dash of salt is optional. Mix really well.
Dip in bread, flip over with fork until all the bread is well coated.
Cook on a med-high pan, with butter or coconut oil melted in it, till nicely browned.
Depending on what kind of bread you use, will also vary the amount of eggs you need. Some breads absorb the liquid much more then others - homemade and such I often need to double the eggs, a firmer bread like store bought sourdough doesn't absorb as much.

Serve with butter and cinnamon (and a little powdered sugar if you wish)

My mom also used to make this by coated the egg dipped bread into some flaxseed/wheat germ/cinnamon mixture before placing in the pan. This makes a nice coating and adds some wonderful flavor as well.

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