"So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy"
~Colossians 1:10-11

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thought for Today......One Thousand Gifts

THIS has been an incredible book to read. I read it thru the first time, just reading it. Didn't mark anything or write anything down. Just read it. Now I am starting over and taking notes. I am hoping to read a little each day and really mull over the thoughts as they come. 

"..... Satan's sin becomes the first sin of all humanity: the sin of ingratitude...... isn't that the catalyst of all my sins? Our fall was, has always been, and always will be, that we aren't satisfied in God and what He gives. We hunger for something more, something other.........(pg 15)

My thoughts...... am I showing ingratitude? Even if I do accept all life hands me, if I am not willing to GIVE THANKS for it, is that the same as ingratitude? What can I DO - TODAY - to show my thankfulness for what God is giving me. Today, right now. What am I thankful for? What would I rather not give thanks for? How can I adjust my thinking and be able to give thanks for that which I would rather not? 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

This is an incredible video - well worth the watch.
I cannot wait to read her book. This is a woman glorifying God in all she does, I can learn from her.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and sit down and prepare to be blessed by Ann Voskamp

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wow, January already! I have spent the last couple weeks cleaning, re-organizing and getting back on top of meals, grocery shopping and school. All the while taking care of the 4 kids. Never a dull moment, especially when the baby is teething.

I am hoping to compile a list of my "menus" - the list I pick off each week to create my menu plans. Working from what's on sale, to what I have already, what we enjoy and sounds good right now.

I also purchased this planner for this year. I am enjoying it so far. The cover is so pretty and love the little quotes scattered thru the book. I also have a "household notebook", I am kinda bouncing between the 2 to see which I like better for long term. So far, the planner is nice and compact, gives space for meal plans and lists but the notebook has alot more space but is much bulkier to carry around. I'll have to show you my household planner sometime!

This week I am working hard on getting thru my "to do" list and not carry a bunch of stuff over into next week... AGAIN.... things like take the ornaments off the tree and finish the thank-you's ;-)

I am hoping to get more consistent at blogging on here and sharing some of my favorite reads and links from others too!

Book review

This is a wonderful Christmas story. It tells the sweet story of a little star, the star that shines the brightest when Jesus was born, even though he was the littlest star. And ends with the reminder of this little star's legacy with stars on tops of many Christmas trees. 

I read this story with my 3 little children and they all loved it. The illustrations in this hardcover book are beautiful, the story is an easy read - not too many words for little minds, but a captivating story they enjoyed. This will be a storybook we have out at Christmas with all the christmas books and I can imagine it will be a popular one the kids read and re-read each year. 

I enjoyed this book and it is one I would watch for and purchase as gifts for others as well!

In compliance with new FTC guidelines  - I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.  All opinions are my own but thanks to Blogging for Books for the book!

Photo curtsey of amazon.com