"So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy"
~Colossians 1:10-11

Friday, November 26, 2010

thoughts for today

“I feel like all of us choose whether to look at life from the glass half-full or half-empty perspective. I have made a concerted effort over the years to look at my life in light of all that God has provided for me. I have determined to find joy and to cultivate contentment so that I can have the strength and courage to face everyday.”  

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

thoughts for today

“The key to enjoying God in every moment of these daily pleasures is to open the eyes of my mind to see and to appreciate what he has given. A thankful heart galvanizes the connection between my God and me….
…….When we really see that God is a wonderful Provider and has gone to great lengths to make our earthly home pleasurable, we will appreciate him more and our hearts will be lifted to thank him. It is when we come to see what he has given that we begin to be mature. It is when we understand that God’s gifts are with consideration of our truest needs - for love, beauty, purpose and belonging- instead of for our selfish gratification, material possessions, ownership. When we are humble and appreciative of who he really is, then we move down the road to a more foundational intimacy with him. But without a heart of thanksgiving, in which we recognize his chosen gifts, our joy will not be full.”

~from Dancing with my Father by Sally Clarkson (pg 92-93)

Friday, November 19, 2010

thoughts for today

(in ref to Matthew 7:26-27...) 

“…… indicates that rain will come and the winds will burst against us in this life. We were made for gladness of heart and joy, but in this world, which is wildly rebellious to God and his ways, storms will indeed come and rage against our souls. What determines whether such storms will destroy our happiness or push us toward it is whether we struggle against the wind or let it push us toward God.”

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

thoughts for today

“Clearly joy is an issue of the heart. Joy is not found in performing for people or in doing all the right things for God. Nor is joy in the absence of difficulties or problems. Joy is found in the presence of God in the midst of all circumstances, in delighting in the life he has given.”

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I have throughly enjoyed several of Sally Clarkson's books and read her blog regularly.

I am currently reading through "Dancing with my Father" and am going share a couple thoughts and things that were good reminders for me over the next couple weeks. It is a wonderful book on finding joy in life, regardless of circumstances. I've been making notes as I read and need to sit down and type them all out, the copy I am reading belongs to the library. I am so thankful our library had it as I couldn't go out and buy it just now, but wanted to read it. It is definitely going on my "wish list" to buy for myself someday.

Check out her latest conferences and a giveaway HERE!