Another week of Spring Cleaning from Nourishing Gourmet's Spring Cleaning. I am combining 2 weeks worth of cleaning into 1 post, even though I spread it out over a couple days. Life has been busy and I didn't get a chance to blog about the cupboards.
You can read more on the Cupboard cleaning and hints in this post here!
I did do it though! The cupboards needed basic straightening and re-organization. Nothing too exciting or changing. Several of my cupboards need this every couple weeks anyway!
...... speaking of which, does anyone else need to go back and clean their refrigerator again already! I do!
Now onto drawers and utensils.................
I got the canister that sits by my stove cleaned out and EVEN cleaned the canister itself. Doesn't it look nice!
I weeded out a couple utensils I haven't been using and stuck them in my box of stuff I "plan to get rid of if I realize I really don't need it out"- I reorganized and cleaned out the silverware drawer- how do so many crumbs get in that silly silverware thing-y when all you put in there is clean silverware and the drawer is closed most of the time?!
I actually spent quite a bit of time straightening and cleaning up the kitchen this morning. After a busy couple days and couple weeks of company- it needed a little attention and since I am doing grocery shopping tomorrow, I thought organizing and going through the kitchen would make sure my grocery list was complete.